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The Attitude of Saints Living in the Last Days 

2 Peter 2:5-9, Jude 1:14-15 

The life of the saints living in the end times must be one of godliness. A godly life is what God delights in the most — so much so that He rejoices to the point of not knowing what to do. The godly will survive in the last days. In today’s scripture, it says God saved the godly families of Noah and Lot. 

Godliness is a heart that worships God at all times. It is a heart that offers thanks and worship to God first, no matter where you go. In the midst of worship, there is dedication and service. A godly person doesn’t expect someone else to do it; she prepares everything. Godliness is a heart that loves and reveres God. It’s not easy. When you decide, “I should do this,” someone else has already started. Then, you regret and think, “I realized and discovered it first, but I hesitated, and someone else did it in my place.” 

Godliness is dedication and service. Someone whose life is filled with dedication and service is a godly person. 

Godliness is a mindset of thinking, rethinking, pondering, and deeply contemplating everything. It’s a cautious mind that thinks, “Will I hurt the other person by saying this?” “Will I disturb the church by saying this?” “Will I upset the hearts of my family by saying this?” This cautious and thoughtful approach in all matters constitutes a godly life. It’s not anything else. Godliness is a heart that deeply contemplates and fears God. This fear isn’t one of terror, but one that comes from loving God. 

1 Timothy 6:11 But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, god- liness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentle-ness. 

This passage conveys that godliness is a duty of God’s people. It’s not optional. You are God’s people because God gave His son and shed His blood to redeem you, not forcibly taking you like a robber. God paid the full price to Satan and took us out, as if taking us out of a lion’s mouth. That’s how God showed His love. You are a church redeemed with a price. You are a holy temple where the Holy Spirit resides, a precious people. That’s why God referred to the saints as honorable people. Moreover, He called them “a royal priesthood” (1 Pet 2:9). A priest always stands before God, worships, and offers sacrifices. They are at a very close distance to God.


2 Peter 1:3 for His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.


God, the essence of holiness, has given you “everything that pertains to godliness.” 

Therefore, even if the world collapses and perishes, God will rescue the holy. Because you belong to godliness, you partake in God’s character. How valuable is such a life?


2 Peter 1:6 and in your knowledge, self-con- trol, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness,


Here, “knowledge” refers to knowing God. It is the knowledge that God is pleased with and desires. Even regarding the end times, God teaches everything. He taught in advance about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to our ancestor of faith, Abraham, saying, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” God considered Abraham and rescued his nephew, Lot, from the lake of fire. This is because Abraham was holy before God, and Lot was also considered holy by resembling Abraham. 

“Self-control” is not being self-indulgent in every aspect of life. It is acting by discerning what God likes and dislikes. 

“Perseverance” is grace that allows us to endure until the end. Blessings of godliness are given to those who pass through these three things. However, as recorded in today’s scripture, the ungodly will die.


2 Peter 3:11-12 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God…


We must look forward to the day of God, the day when the Lord returns, through holy conduct and godliness. Cornelius, a centurion in the Roman army, was a devout man who feared God with all his household. He prayed to God continually and made many charitable contributions to the people (Acts 10:1-2). An angel of God came to him and told him to send for Peter, who was in Joppa. Similarly, when the saints gathered here become a devout household, worshiping God, praying, and engage in doing good deeds, God will come to them. In Proverbs 19:17, it is recorded that one who is gracious lends to the Lord. There is no free lunch in doing good deeds. We must believe that there is undoubtedly a reward from God and be thankful. The Lord says, “I was crucified for you, hanging on the cross, shedding my blood, and saving you. I have a wish for you.” When asked, “Lord, what is your wish?” He replies, “Become a people for my own possession, eager for good deeds.” (Titus 2:14; Eph 2:10). There are only a few godly people in the end times. God seeks them (Ps 12:1). The prophet Isaiah prophesied that in the last days, even if a righteous person dies, there will be no one who grieves. This means that the saints who live righteously before God will be humble in His presence. 

Isaiah 57:1 The righteous person perishes, and no one takes it to heart; and devout people are taken away, while no one understands. For the righteous person is taken away from evil, 

The prophet Micah also prophesied with tears before kings, rulers, and all the people, saying, “The godly person has perished from the land.” This is a common phenomenon in the last days (Mic 7:2). 

However, when we look at the Bible, households and individuals who live in godliness do not perish. They are all preserved. In today’s passage, Jude 1:15, it says, “to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” God will come with tens of thousands of His holy ones and judge all ungodly words and actions. 


Today’s passage, 2 Peter 2:5-8, records a fearsome judgment.. The first judgment is Noah’s flood. The great deep burst open and it rained for 40 days and nights, resulting in judgment through water due to ungodliness. However, Noah and his family were saved because Noah was righteous (Gen 6:9). The coming of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah (Matt 24:37; Luke 17:26). This word is of utmost importance. Listen carefully. The Word of God has never been wrong. We may not know when the Lord will come again, but it will be similar to the time of Noah. Can we remain unaware? Being esteemed by God as treasure on that day is godliness. The godly were saved from the judgment of the flood. 

The second judgment is the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The four cities vanished without a trace, but God remembered Abraham and saved Lot (Gen 19:29). If you live a godly life, wouldn’t God think of you and bring salvation to your household? We must realize that the command that was proclaimed on Mount Sinai to “live a godly life” was proclaimed by God, and we must accept that change must be shown in our lifestyles, attitudes, church lives and worshiping habits. We can’t speak thoughtlessly or be absorbed in worldly matters. Everything that belongs to the world will be left behind. We are beings who came to this world naked and empty-handed, and we will depart from here naked and empty-handed (Job 1:21; 2 Tim 6:9). There is no hope or expectations in the things of this world. They are nothing. Instead of being attached to riches, cling to the unwavering word of salvation in Jesus Christ. May we live before God in righteousness, honesty, sincerity, and godliness, and receive the blessing of transfiguration, meeting the Lord without seeing death in body and soul, and I bless this upon you in the name of the Lord. In Noah’s time, it was a flood judgment, but in the end, it will be a judgment by fire. There will be no survivors. God has kept the fire for judging the ungodly, and when He explodes it to judge the ungodly, everyone will die. However, the godly will survive (2 Pet 3:4-8). How precise and certain are the words of God! 

2 Peter 3:7 But by His word the present heav- ens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of un- godly people. 

Piety (godliness, devoutness, holiness) is the nature of God that the saints, who eagerly await and long for the Lord’s coming in the last days, should possess. 

2 Peter 1:3-4 for His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 4 Through these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world on account of lust. 

Participation in God’s nature is achieved through piety. From now on, may you eat and live for the glory and will of God (Rom 14:7-8; 1 Cor 10:31-33). Living for the glory of God is a pious life. The ways of the world may have some temporary benefits, but piety is promised for this life and the life to come. When you go to that promised land, wouldn’t you want to go with the promise? What if God asks you, “What have you been doing on this earth? You’ve just been going back and forth in the church. Why don’t you have the nature of God, piety?” How would you respond when the day of judgment is approaching and you still haven’t realized this? God would be greatly disappointed and sorrowful. 

2 Peter 3:10-12 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will and its works will be discovered. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God… 

“Anticipate and earnestly long for the day of God with holy conduct and piety. This is not optional—it’s a command. It is God’s final word. Earth is like a satellite. If satellites collide, they break apart. This is a declaration to cultivate and reap the people. Some fruits ripen to a tempting red, ready to be eaten, and the owner’s hand reaches for those first. However, even from the same tree, some fruits do not ripen and look unappetizing. They appear tasteless. They do not please the owner and receive no attention. Grains must ripen to be useful. If you try to harvest and all you get is chaff, the owner will say, “Leave it be. I’ll make fodder with it when I plow it.” 

2 Peter 3:13 records, “But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.” The old earth will be passed away (Rev 21:1). There will be the river of life, and twelve kinds of fruit will bear each month by the riverbanks. There will be no tears, death, suffering, or pain. God will dwell among us and be with us (Rev 21:3). He will be our tabernacle, our home, implying 

that God will be with us. So, instead of hop- ing for a world that doesn’t even last a hundred years, shouldn’t we look towards the eternal world? What kind of people should we become for that? We should earnestly long for the day when God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells, comes through holy conduct and piety. 

Believe firmly that your worth is more precious than the diamonds of this world and cannot be bought no matter how much money you have. A believer in Jesus is precious. God is within me, and I am among the saints in Him. A righteous person will certainly not die but live and be transformed (1 Cor 15:51-53; Phil 3:21). 

1 Corinthians 15:51-54 Behold, I am telling you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised im- perishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 

Philippians 3:21 records, “…Will transform the body of our lowly condition into conformity with His glorious body.” After believing in Jesus, will everyone die and Jesus alone resurrect? At the end, when the Lord proclaims the hidden words that Satan does not know, saying, “You will live dying in the flesh,” we will be transformed instantly (1 Pet 1:13). In the world, patients recover slowly by receiving injections and taking medicine, but with just a word, Jesus cleansed instantly a man paralyzed for 38 years, a leper, a woman with a hemorrhage, a deaf and mute man, and even the dead. 

Enoch, the seventh descendant of Adam, did not die but was transformed at the age of 365 and ascended to heaven. When God looked at the people of that time, they were troubled, distressed, and sorrowful, but Enoch was the only one whom God was so pleased with that He didn’t know what to do. Enoch had a wife and children, yet for 300 years, he lived a devout life walking with God. He was so faithful and pious before the word of God that God could not possibly bring himself to end Enoch’s life. Therefore, God transformed him and took him up. 

The same goes for Elijah. He was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. His disciples thought he had fallen into some valley, and for three days, they searched for his body in these valleys. Even the disciples who were with Elijah did not realize it at the time, but now we believe and have faith in the word without doubt. You mentioned that in the last days, we will not die but live. Our physical bodies will change. It is not the same body we have now. When we ascend with a transformed body, one that is in the likeness of Jesus for the resurrection, do we need a space suit and an oxygen tank? Did Elijah and Jesus wear a spacesuit and carry an oxygen tank when they ascended? They ascended by transforming in the spirit. We too will be the same when we are resurrected and transformed. The resurrection of the Lord is a resurrection of both the spirit and the flesh. 

Luke 24:36-39 Now while they were telling these things, Jesus Himself suddenly stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be to you.” But they were startled and frightened, and thought that they were looking at a spirit. And He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why are doubts arising in your hearts? See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have.” 

Jesus did not resurrect in the same flesh as ours. It is a spiritual body. It is said, “He will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body.” 

Philippians 3:20-21 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will trans- form the body of our lowly condition into con- formity with His glorious body, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself. 

The righteous person will receive this blessing. Even if you haven’t realized it up until now, when you realize and repent of not attending dawn prayers, regional prayers, and all events properly here today, I believe that God will forgive and grant us the blessings of godliness. Receive the blessing of godliness and go back home. Your family will notice the difference, and your life will change. The excessive words will diminish. When the Lord comes, He said that He would judge those who speak too much (Jude 1:15). We must not do anything outside of God’s word. Speaking too much leads to sin. 

It is clearly recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. Those who are asleep will resurrect from the grave. Among those who are alive, only the righteous are transformed, and the unrighteous will face the judgment of fire. This is what God has said. Why am I crying out so pitifully in this holy temple? Believe firmly without any doubt, for God’s word is a testimony that affirms living without decay and death. Whether you work at your job or in whatever you do, I pray in the name of the Lord that you will do it for the glory of God. I pray in the name of the Lord for the triumph of a godly life, for a sense of fulfillment in a godly life, and for the works of a mountain that bears the fruit of thanksgiving to God through a godly life. 

To be godly is to be cautious and mindful with a heart of reverence. It is offering oneself wholly to God, a life of entrusting oneself. In other words, it is changing one’s citizenship. It is moving from the citizenship on Earth to being registered in God’s heavenly address. Moreover, it is refraining from unworthy thoughts. It is having a heart that esteems only God’s word and earnestly seeks to hear only God’s word. It is an attitude of entrusting oneself to God. It is a thought focused solely on pleasing God. If God says go, you go; if He says stand, you stand; if He says come, you come—this was the life of Enoch, the seventh descendant of Adam. In short, godliness is having a heart that fears God. It is considering, “Will God be pleased with what I am doing?” If you do something displeasing to God, fear arises. ‘Fearing God’ is not about being Bread of life 

scared or feeling obligated. It is about loving God, finding so much delight in serving God. It is a life of walking with God, living together, always before God— whether eating, drinking, lying down to sleep, waking up, or going to work. A godly child reveres and honors their parents, just as one who fears God shows filial piety before God (1 Tim 5:4). 

A godly life is like that of Simeon and Anna. (Luke 2:25-38) The disciples were greatly astonished when the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost. They thought that there were no believers in Jesus other than themselves, but there were devout believers hidden among the Jews. God called them all and filled them with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:5) After Stephen was stoned to death, fear struck the believers in Jesus, fearing that they would all be killed. However, the godly individuals stood firm, embracing the spirit of martyrdom, and buried Stephen. (Acts 8:2) God even records the names of the godly individuals. (Acts 22:12) 

Please believe that when you live a godly life, regardless of what country or what region you’re in, God will come and bring a spiritual transformation for everyone in the last days. From now on, may you live with godliness before God and before the nation. Imagine how prosperous the nation will be when you live a godly life. Imagine a nation with godly presidents, prime ministers, legislators, and civil servants. The nation will become as beautiful and precious as the Garden of Eden. From now on, be devout at work, devout even when hungry, devout as couples, and devout as parents with your children. When you are godly, you cannot help but honor your parents and remain loyal to your country. 

How can we become godly? Please pray that through the sovereign grace of God’s redemptive history, He would make us devout in the last days. Please pray that through our godliness, the works of godliness will be created in our families, our businesses, and wherever we go. I believe in the proclamation of the godly blessings to tens of millions from this great mountain and I pray that we will all have the works of offering up to God the praise of “Hallelujah, Amen,” with thanksgiving and glory. 

January 29, 2005 (Sat)
World Missionary General Assembly Conference (Held at Moonmak Retreat Center) 

Sermon by Rev. Abraham Park 

*This post can also be read in 'Champyungan'. (http://champyungan.com)

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