Our Stories

John 2:1-11


When the Israelites were about to enter the land of Canaan, God “set before them a blessing and a curse” (Deut 11:26-32; 30:19-20). Canaan, the promised land that God gives, could be either a blessing or a curse. This means that whether it will be a blessing or a curse depends on the person choosing. We must receive the blessing. 

“Fill the waterpots with water” (John 2:7). But fill it up to where? We must fill it all the way up to the brim. I pray that we will all fill up every aspect of our lives. The power of Christian living is revealed when we fill up all that must be filled. Please believe that the work of filling will bring showers of the heavenly blessings of miracles. 


Fill with the Word, up to the brim

When there was no more wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, Jesus’s mother Mary called the servants and said, “Whatever Jesus says to you, do it.” There were six stone waterpots and Jesus told them to fill it with water. When the servants filled each stone waterpot up to the brim, Jesus told them to draw some out and to take it to the headwaiter. When the headwaiter tasted the wine, he complimented the bridegroom in saving the best wine for last. Just like this miracle that happened at the wedding in Cana, may God’s presence and miracles be with us in all that we endeavor and pursue.

There is no failure for the people who hear God’s Word and trust in Him; we will prosper in all that we do. If we say, “Amen,” and obey whatever God tells us to do, I believe that His showers of blessings will be upon all individuals, families, workplaces, businesses, churches, nations, and peoples. 

Mary foresaw that Jesus would work a miracle, so she called the servants and instructed them to do “whatever” Jesus says to them. We must follow this example of Mary’s faith. How precious are the servants who obeyed completely when Jesus told them to “fill with water” and to “draw some out and take it.” Firstly, Jesus must be present where the miracle takes place. Secondly, “a person of faith,” like Mary, must be present. Thirdly, there must be “those who obey completely,” like the servants. With these three, please believe that showers of miracles will come upon us. 

Stone waterpots signify “gentiles,” who are like stones. Six waterpots refer to incomplete human beings (the number six is lacking just one numeral from the complete number seven). In the first chapter of Genesis, God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day. We must only obey the Word until the end. We are incomplete human beings, nothing but stone-like gentiles. However, when we are filled to the brim with God’s Word, then our deficient life as the number six will be blessed and elevated to a life like the number seven. A life that is easily perishable like water will be restored (just like non-perishable wine) as a worthy life. A wonderful, delectable life will begin that will receive the respect of many. A once purposeless presence in the church will become an absolute necessity for the church.

God told Ezekiel to eat the scroll and to “feed his stomach” (Ezek 3:1-3). The angel told John to eat the little book (Rev 10:9-10), which was sweet in his mouth but bitter in his stomach. Those who have filled their stomachs with God’s Word, which is as sweet as honey (Psa 119:11, 162; Jer 15:16; Ezek 2:6-10), will proclaim that Word to many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings, during the first three and a half years of the seven years of great tribulation (Rev 10:11). Though they may fall down in this world, they will return to life when they receive God’s breath of Life, and they will hear a voice saying, “Come up here,” and they will go up to heaven and greet the Lord (Rev 11:10-12).

Only when we are filled up to the brim with the Word will our whole family glory in God by faith, and we will be blessed with peace, health and prosperity, in all that we do. Shouldn’t we receive salvation in the days of tribulation? Please don’t forget that when we become righteous, we will be delivered from trouble, and the wicked will become our ransom and take our place (Prov 11:8; Prov 21:18; Isa 43:3). 

Fill with your portion of prayer

First Thessalonians 5:17 tells us, “pray without ceasing.” Luke 18:1 speaks of a parable “to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart.” Jesus Himself said that prayer is the only way to escape tribulation (Luke 21:36). The prophet Samuel said, “Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you” (1 Sam 12:23). First Kings 8:44-53 and 2 Chronicles 6:19-21 also emphasizes praying.

Let us fill with our portion of prayer. Perhaps we have fallen behind in prayer until now. The Book of Revelation describes the bowls to be filled with prayers. The bowls to be filled with individual prayers are called “golden bowls,” whereas the bowl to be filled with the collective prayers of the saints are called “a golden altar.” The incense symbolizes the prayers of the saints. When the smoke of the incense goes up before God out of the angel’s hand (Rev. 8:4) and fully fills the bowl, the answer to the prayers come down instantly (Rev 5:8; 8:3).

Do you know how hard the man of God, Elijah the prophet, prayed? He filled up his portion of prayer by the brook Cherith and at the house of the widow of Zarephath. Also, on Mount Carmel, when Elijah faced the prophets of Baal, his one single prayer was answered immediately with fire (1 Kgs 18:30-38). Why did God give victory to Elijah over the prophets of Baal? Because of prayer. Just like Elijah the prophet, let us abandon our impatient heart and calmly fill up our portion of prayer. 

A saint must begin and end all things in prayer. Jesus started and ended His life in prayer. All our prayers will be fulfilled at God’s appointed time. God gives power to His servant who has filled up his portion of prayer (Rev 11:3-6). Please read: Psalms 145:19; Proverbs 10:24; Matthew 7:7-11, 18:19-20, 21:22; John 14:13; 15:7, 16, 16:23-24; James 1:5-6, 17; 1 John 3:22, 5:14-15. Nothing will work out if we cease to pray. Pray the moment you leave for work. Dear saints, I pray so much for you.

When king of Assyria Sennacherib and his servants came against Judah, he besieged Jerusalem and mocked God. King Hezekiah and the Prophet Isaiah went up to the temple and prayed to God all night long with their hands raised up. Amazingly, God sent a single angel to destroy all the mighty warriors, commanders and officers in the camp of the king of Assyria. God works mightily for His servant who prays. When we pray, our problems will surely be solved. Is there any among us who is ill? Pray before God with the belief that He will save you and heal you. Also, only by prayer can we drive out demons (Mark 9:28-29). Those who pray will be blessed. This year, may we fill our portion of prayer all the way “up to the brim.”


Fill the empty vessel with oil

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets asked Elisha for help in a dreadful situation in which the creditor took her children. Elisha asked her what she had in her house and she replied that she only had a jar of oil. So he told her to borrow vessels at large and to pour out her oil into all the empty vessels. Her single jar of oil filled every empty vessel, and it did not stop pouring until she was told that there were no more extra vessels to fill. 

There is wisdom to gain from this story. When God speaks to us, do not say, “there is no more empty vessel.” Oil pours out when we say we have. Miracles happen when we obey. 

The oil represents the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:20, 27). The empty vessel represents man who has not received the Holy Spirit. Every spirit is like an empty vessel that must be abundantly filled with the Holy Spirit. Unless one is born of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot see or enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:5). Every problem was resolved when the empty vessels were filled with oil. Likewise, please believe that when the empty vessel of your spirit is fully filled with the Holy Spirit, then you will receive the blessing of all your problems in faith and life being completely resolved.


Fill the net with fish 

At the sea of Tiberias, the disciples tried all night but failed to catch any fish. The disciples of Jesus were fishermen, and by their expertise they knew where fish would go and gather, yet they were still not able to catch any. But then they obeyed the Word of Jesus and cast their nets, and the net filled with a great number of fish (John 21:5-6). They counted 153 large fish. But please note that even with this heavy haul, the net did not tear (John 21:11). What is the use of making money if the net is torn and all the earning will slip out? Without Jesus, they were in the pitch-black darkness of night, and all their efforts were in vain. Then at dawn when the darkness fled, with a single command from Jesus, a great number of fish immediately filled up their nets. With just one Word from the Lord, all our problems will be resolved immediately. There is nothing to worry about. Cast all your anxiety on the Lord. If we do as Jesus commands, we will be blessed such that our nets will not tear even when it is filled with fish, for God will take care of everything. It is the blessing of our nets not tearing even when it is filled to bursting, the blessing of the Lord taking care of everything. It is the blessing of God’s assurance. How disappointed would the disciples have been if the net had torn and they had lost all the fish? They would have been tested and grumble in frustration. Our Lord gives us hope and strength. He will come to us and solve our problems with His Word, casting out the cloud of darkness. No matter what problems we may face, believe that God will fill us with abundant fruits when we entrust everything to Him and do as He commands.


Circle the city seven times

With the ark before them, the Israelites circled the city of Jericho one time a day for six days. On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times, and the impregnable city of Jericho crumbled at the loud cry of the Israelites (Josh 6:15-21). The city did not fall during the first six days, when they circled only one time a day. Without a single touch, this strong city of Jericho collapsed only after the Israelites finished circling for the seventh time on the seventh day, just as God had said. Likewise, please circle around seven times this year. Just as the Israelites set the ark ahead of them, we must trust in God’s Word and move forward. We must have faith and endure until the moment God intervenes. Let us not be impatient, despair, or grow weary, but endure in faith. Circling around seven times represents a faith that finishes strong. Do we have a Jericho inside our homes, workplaces or businesses? If the city of Jericho can fall after circling around seven times, then the city of Jericho in our soul will surely fall through the complete Seven Spirits of God (Rev 4:5; 5:6). 


Fill with the fullness of time

When the 400 years of the Israelites’ slavery in Egypt were completed, the exodus took place through Moses (Gen 15:13). The wandering in the wilderness was set as forty years, so they had to complete the forty years until all the sinful and fallen people died in the wilderness. As a consequence of their unbelief and disobedience to God, they had to wander in the wilderness an extra year for each day they spied on the land; they spied for 40 days, thus they had to wander for 40 years (Num 14:33-34). When the 70 years of captivity in Babylon were completed, God had the Israelites return to Israel through the decree of King Cyrus (Jer 25:12-13; Dan 9:1-2).

As stated in Revelation 9:14-15, the second coming of Jesus and the war in the Middle East will also take place when the time is full. In the fullness of time, the air will become fire and consume all peoples and nations like a torch. It states that when the seventh trumpet sounds, voices will say, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever” (Rev 11:15). There is a timing for all things with God.


Fill with the chosen number

In Romans 11:25, God said He will fulfill the “full number of the Gentiles.” Revelation 6:9-11 states that the number of martyrs will be fulfilled. According to Revelation 7:1-4, the number of those sealed is 144,000. While the four angels hold back the wind, the number of the bond-servants to be sealed will be filled. Likewise, at the time when the clamorous wars quiet down in the Middle East, the number of the sealed bond-servants will be filled by God’s power. This indicates that God’s judgement will begin once the number of the sealed bond-servants is filled. Therefore, before we face judgement, we must all be sealed by God. When the bond-servants are sealed on their foreheads (Rev 7:9-14), “a great multitude which no one could count will come and greet with palm branches in their hands,” and these are the redeemed ones, “who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus.” The sealed ones are protected during the five months of tribulation (Rev 9:3-5). Let us enter the division of the bond-servants who are sealed before the three and a half years of tribulation, and fill the predestined number to fulfill God’s will. 

Dear saints, let us fill up this year. We must fill up our church so that there are no empty seats, and fill up with prayer, thanksgiving, tithing and all our offerings to God. Isn’t the prophecy fulfilled when everything that must be filled is fully filled? Please fill through studying the Bible. There are stories of saints who faithfully serve the church then neglect their duties when they get appointed as an officer. Please do not neglect in filling up all your vows to God. According to Deuteronomy 23:21-23, it is a sin to delay in paying our vows (Ps 22:25; 50:14; 66:13-14). 

While this world is filled with the wicked, let us open our spiritual eyes and behold the world of the Word. As said in Luke 10:38-42, when we choose the “good part,” just as Mary did, then we can become those who fill. Please be fully filled with the Word. Be fully filled with prayer. Be fully filled with oil. Be fully filled with time. We must circle around seven times; when listening to the Word, listen to it over and over again, up to seven times. I pray in the name of the Lord that our obedience will lead to the blessing of being fully resolved in all aspects of our lives, be it regarding physical illness, family, children, job or other issues. And through our obedience and the blessings that follow, may we bring glory to our God all year long.


Huisun Rev. Abraham Park — January 1, 1996 (New Year’s Sermon)



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