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Bringing Word of the History of Redemption Series to the Leaders of Indonesia 


On May 16th to 18th of 2011, the book launching thanksgiving service for the sixth book in the History of Redemption series, entitled The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath, was held at Yeoju Pyungkang Retreat Center. The fourth National Ministers’ Biblical Genealogies Seminar was also held in conjunction with this event in order to commemorate the launching of the sixth book. There, we met with some of the pastors who were in attendance.


“An encounter with an ideal Bible-teaching church”
Dr. Tim O’Connell
(Principal, Tung Ling Bible School)



How did you end up coming to the Seminar?
About a year ago, a series of books were given to our board members at Tung Ling Bible School. I was asked by the board members to read the books because they didn’t have time to read them. I started reading the books and took an interest in them, particularly in Genesis Genealogies. About a month and half to two months later, Lauren called me and basically just wanted to follow up as to whether we had received the books and if so, if we had read them. I had read most of Genesis Genealogies and found it intriguing. Then, we were able to discuss a little bit about the books and write to other Bible institutions and whether they would be interested in having lectures done on behalf of the books.

What do you think of the History of Redemption Series? 
Dr. Park mentioned the Covenant of the Torch book saying that these are studies that he’s preached about in 1968…As a result of Dr. Park’s research and all the work that he’s done for over the past 40-50 years, now that work is being built and books are coming forth from that. There’s something about experience because Dr. Park can write relevant things today ? anybody can ? and be blessed by it. But, this is research done over the years. It’s research that stands the test of time.

What is your overall impression of the Seminar?
The first thing ? although this may be unrelated, being our first time here to South Korea ? the love of the saints and the people here, we can understand why God has blessed South Korea as a nation and it set the standard for prayer and hospitality. One of the things I shared in my address ? a burden that I have of Bible teaching to really come again to the churches, to an environment like this. We see the hunger. The people who come and the depth of teaching to us is very gratifying. And to see that is a very healthy sign. It’s something we want to promote.

Do you have any other comments to add?
The Apostle John is one of my favorite figures in the Bible. John is a father figure . . . John’s writings were basically based on years of observation. All of his writings came after when he was 85 years old. So even though he witnessed things during the ministry of Jesus, his gospel is totally different from the other three primarily because years have gone by. He can write with a certain wisdom, a certain authority and a certainly fatherly aspect that can be brought. Again, the point I’m trying make when you make comparisons like that ? Dr. Park is a father figure and his writings are based on years of observation and experience. It’s not just an impulsive thing. When John writes, “we have 10,000 teachers in Christ, but very few fathers,” I think we all see him [Rev. Abraham Park] as a father figure and I think that’s why I was linking him to John the Apostle.


“Bringing Word of the History of Redemption Series to the Leaders of Indonesia’s Communities of Faith”
Pastor Nus Reimas
Pastor Nus Reimas is a representative of a church in Indonesia as well as the Advisory Board of the Fellowship of Indonesia Evangelical Churches (PGLII, Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja dan Lembaga Lembaga Injili Indonesia). PGLII has 98 general assemblies in its membership enrollment.



How did you come to attend the seminar?
As a gift, I received an Indonesian publication of the first book (The Genesis Genealogies) of the History of Redemption series. At first, I felt some disappointment at seeing the title. It was, of course, based on my preconception that “genealogies are tedious.” However, as I read on, I began to realize how great this book was. It is a book that uses the genealogies, a subject that many find uninteresting, to uncover the secrets of God. I filled my notebook as I read. My interest in the book deepened as I continued to read on. Later, I wrote a congratulatory address for the Indonesian publication of the second book (The Convenant of the Torch) of the History of Redemption series and also received an invitation to attend this seminar.

What are your plans for the future?
I am recommending that the seminaries and leaders of the churches in Indonesia read and teach from the History of Redemption series. Convineced that these books must spread to all the Christians in Indonesia, I resolved to assist PGPI (Association of Pentecostal Churches in Indonesia) in the propagation of the books. This coming July, we are planning to hold a seminar at Jakarta with the Indonesian publication of the second book, The Convenant of the Torch. Many pastors will be invited to this seminar.

What are your thoughts on this seminar?
All the lecturers were great; however, missionary Joanna Lee’s second lecture left a particular impression on me. Its clarity and depth made the Word new. Of course, time will be needed in order to understand it fully. I must study the Word more. It was hard, but I was pleased to find that the content of the lectures was not the same as what I find other churches often dealing with. The Word will become easier to understand once the entire History of Redemption series is published in Indonesian. It was a seminar that was especially beneficial for pastors. The Pyungkang Cheil Church retreat center at Yeoju is also a truly magnificent place. The congregation was amicable and fervent in deed and in the Word. Their fervent and prayerful hearts reminded me of the members of the early church, which left a great impression on me.


“Many Pastors Will Be Invited to the July Seminar at Jakarta”
Pastor Robinson Nainggolan
Pastor Robinson Nainggolan is the president of the Association of Pentecostal Churches in Indonesia (PGPI, Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja Pentakosta Indonesia). PGPI has 90 general assemblies (14,000 churches) in its enrollment.



How did you come to attend the seminar?
I read both The Genesis Genealogies and The Convenant of the Torch of the History of Redemption series. I believe that I have received a great blessing. Hearing the Word about the genealogies and Israel’s exodus journey was truly a first for me. To be able to gain this new insight into the Bible is all due to author and senior pastor, Abraham Park.

What are your plans for the future?
This July, we are planning to hold a seminar at Jakarta with the Indonesian publication of the second book, The Convenant of the Torch. We will invite many pastors. (Elder Lukman Astanto, who was sitting with us during the interview, added that they’re scheduling the seminar for July 25.)

What are your thoughts on this seminar?
I received great blessings. It left a tremendous impression on me. It is astonishing that Jesus Christ is the High Priest linked to the order of Melchizedek. I felt it was an extremely difficult study. The subject was organized brilliantly despite its formidability. In addition, the Pyungkang Cheil Church retreat center at Yeoju is a magnificent place, not to mention its cleanliness. The cleanliness of Pyungkang Cheil Church that begins from Seoul truly leaves an impression. Above all, I have received grace from seeing how the church leaders and staff are directly involved in keeping the church clean. The priests see to it that the sanctuary is guarded. They not only teach the congregation but also practice what they preach. It’s amazing.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I wish for the senior pastor Abraham Park to be healthy and for the completion of the remaining books left in the History of Redemption series. I also hope that the grace of God will always be with him.



Written by reporter Jung-hwa Suh & Hyun-jung Kim

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