
The utmost love found in the garments of the high priest 


The sixth book in the History of Redemption series The Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath states on page 357, “The garments of the high priest are a result of paramount quality, skills, efforts, and wisdom.” This elaboration of the garments of the high priest enables us to understand the High Priest Jesus Christ’s administration and His utmost love.


1. The Highest Quality (Breastpiece of Judgment)  
Breastpiece is a plate to be set on the high priests’ breasts, and its nobleness and majesty are quite striking. The breastpiece is a square, measuring one span (half cubit) or approximately 22.5cm in both length and width, which indicates that priests as mediators cannot represent only one party and must just. Twelve precious stones are set on it in four rows, and on every stone is engraved one of the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Likewise, our High Priest Jesus Christ embraces us and completely protects us in His bosom with the unfailing love. As the twelve precious stones have a distinct size, shape, and color, His saints must also glorify God faithfully according to their given talents. The high priest cherishes the breastpiece and always takes care of it. This implies that His saints are led to walk always before our High Priest Jesus Christ as part of His body.

2. The Best Skill (Robe of the Ephod)
The robe is worn directly under the ephod. It is all blue without any patterns on it. It is woven of one piece from top to bottom. The color of blue symbolizes dignity and splendor in the duty of the high priests. Just as vast blue sky above us reminds of the immense love and grace of our Mighty God, the blue robe represents overflowing love of our High Priest Jesus Christ. A sash woven out of blue, purple, scarlet material and fine twisted linen was tied around the tunic.  Bells of gold are hung at regular intervals between the embroidered pomegranates. Pomegranates were regarded as prosperity and abundance in ancient days, and they signify that our lives can bear abundant fruits only in Jesus Christ. Soft and sweet sound of the golden bells between many pomegranates resounds throughout the holy place. Sound of the Word from the High Priest Jesus Christ is truly good news for salvation that bears fruits of life wherever it goes.  As we work for God, we must not cease in resounding the beautiful sound of the gospel as the golden bells. 

3. The Best Effort (Turban)
Turban is a sign of sanctification, glory and honor of the priests. On it, the high priest placed the plate of pure gold with inscription, “Holy to the Lord.”  Covering the priest’s head with turban signifies complete obedience by discarding his own thoughts and will. Jesus did so. Although Jesus existed in the form of God, He emptied Himself, being made in the likeness of men. He obeyed God the Father to the point of death, even death on a cross. 
God said the plate shall always be on Aaron’s forehead, so that the holy things may be accepted before the LORD (Exod 28:38). Forehead represents one’s character; therefore the high priest must be holy with the Word and prayer. This is a warning that an offering (worship) without holy lives shall not be accepted. The high priests must consecrate themselves unto God from unholy things, and fully dedicate themselves to God’s glory. Once they lose their holiness, God’s power and life will leave them and they will be same as the dead. God only accepts worship from people in complete holiness.

4. The Best Wisdom (Men Who Crafted the Garments of the High Priest) 
Those who made the high priest’s garments are endowed with the spirit of wisdom (Exod 28:3). Oholiab was among the appointed ones; God moved his heart, poured wisdom, knowledge, and volunteering spirit. God’s works is done not by human willpower and emotions, but by wisdom from above. Those who are fully inspired by the Holy Spirit are able to discern the will of God and fulfill it perfectly according to all that the Lord commands.

5. The Utmost Love (Ephod)
The front and the back panels of high priest’s ephod are firmly attached by shoulder pieces. Two onyx stones, each with six names of the twelve sons of Israel engraved on them, were set on the two shoulder pieces of the ephod. Shoulders symbolize sufficient power and capacity to bear responsibilities. This symbolizes Jesus Christ who carried the cross for the redemption of mankind and took our infirmities and sins on His both shoulders. Jesus Christ engraved our names on His shoulders, and those on Jesus’ shoulders are surely redeemed. Jesus Christ was stripped three times before the crucifixion. First, Roman soldiers stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him. After they had mocked Him, they took the scarlet robe off Him and had His garments back on to lead Him away to His crucifixion. Then the soldiers, before the crucifixion took Jesus Christ’s outer garments and made four parts, and last one soldier took the tunic.  Jesus was stripped and mocked in order to cover us the sinners with garments of righteousness. Our High Priest made the sin offering by shedding His blood on the cross to cover all the sins and infirmities of fallen humankind and clothed us with the garments of righteousness.


Written by Geun-uk Ji

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