

Calendar of history of the redemption in the Bible 2

(Gen. 16: 1-36)

After the Israelites arrived in the wilderness of Sin on February 15, the first day of Exodus (Exodus 16: 1), God announced that He would give manna, doubling on the sixth day, and none on the seventh day (Exodus 16: 4-5). And on the next day, February 16, the manna came down (Exodus 16: 13-14).

God could have brought you a week’s or a month’s-worth of manna at a time, but instead God had Israelites reap one omer (= about 2.2 liters) of manna daily (Exodus 16: 4). This gives an important lesson that God's Word should be received daily (Matthew 6:11, Luke 11: 3, ref-John 6: 31-34, Ps 78: 24-25, 105: 40). When the sun rose, manna melted away so lazy men could not gather manna (Exo 16:21). On the sixth day manna came down double (Exodus 16: 5, 22). Manna did not rot on the Sabbath, the seventh day. It teaches the creation principle of a God who created the heaven and earth for six days and rested on the seventh day. It also shows that today God will guard the Saints who keep the Lord’s Day.

More importantly, we can calculate the days of the Exodus calendar based on these verses. The Sabbath day, when manna did not come down, was the 7th day. Looking back, February 16 was the first day, which is Sunday. The sixth day (Friday), when manna came double, was February 21. Therefore, the Sabbath was on February 22. Based on these events, the days of events during the Exodus of the Israelites can be traced back in detail.

The Bible is flawless. During the 430-year slavery in Egypt, the Israelites forgot the 7 day cycle Sabbath system and used the 10 day solar cycle calendar. Through the Bible, however, we learn how God repeatedly taught the Israelites the Sabbath ordinance and God's calendar through the distribution of manna during the Exodus.

Sunday is a sign that God is God (Ezekiel 20:12). How can we enter God's rest without keeping Lord’s Day (Hebrews 3: 18-19). We should not use my own calendar like the Israelites in the slavery of Egypt, but move on to the infallible calendar of God and live God-centered lives. 


Excerpt from the sermon of Rev. Abraham Park

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