

Let Us Receive God's Consolation (2 Corinthians 1:3-11)

Apostle Paul was a person who devoted himself with truth and loyalty for the gospel of Jesus Christ and did not consider his life as worthy. The reason that he was able to fulfill his duty to proclaim the Word until the end in the midst of endless tribulations and afflictions, in which he even said he thought he had received the death sentence, was all because he received the consolation from God. Especially from today’s Scripture text, we see Apostle Paul introduced God as the “God of consolation” while he strongly testified for the grace and power of His consolation.

I. Only Jesus Christ is our true Comforter.
If we look at today’s scripture text, the word “comfort” appears 10 times. This is a passionate expression of Apostle Paul who tries to make us understand how the consolation of God is such a great blessing. The consolation of a man is temporary and cannot be a fundamental solution for the problems, but the consolation of Jesus becomes the true comfort for us. It is because He endured the tribulations and afflictions on this earth like us, so He understands our circumstances very well (Heb 4:15). Apostle Paul experienced so much grace during his ministry. From Acts 14:19, we see how the Jews such as priests, elders and the leaders of society during the time persecuted and rejected Apostle Paul that they dragged him out of the city thinking that he was dead after they stoned him. He was almost dead but was revived after the Spirit of the Living God of comfort went into him and worked within him. In our household, there are comforts of a husband, a wife or the parents. The house without consolation is like the dark night without lights and the hopeless night without happiness. Likewise, the church must be filled with many consolations like the consolation of the pastors, the elders and the eldresses. It is because Jesus came to this earth to save the sinners, consoled them and gave them encouragement, comfort and hope with the Word. Hence, there is no one on this earth who did not receive God’s consolation throughout their lives. However, there weren’t many people who realized His consolation, gave thanks to His consolation, and were strengthened and became courageous to live victorious lives. Every time the Israelites did not seek the consolation of God but expected the aid and comfort from the strong neighboring nations, they were rebuked by God. “Those who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt’s shade for refuge” (Isa 30:2). That is why God spoke through Prophet Isaiah “Comfort, comfort my people” (Isa 40:1). If so, what is true consolation mentioned here? It is only the Word of Life of Jesus Christ. True consolation is only possible when Jesus comes. We will be able to experience unchanging and true comfort when we believe in the Word and accept in our hearts when the true Word of Revelation is being proclaimed. We see in Mt 2:18 that Rachel refused to be comforted. What this means is that only when there is the comfort of God, she will be able to conceive a child and receive true consolation. How can such consolation from others be a comfort for her and last when there is no child?

II. The people who received God’s consolation.
Let us examine a few examples of those who appear in the Bible that received the consolation from God like Apostle Paul.
1. A widow from the City of Nain: This is a woman who relied on her only son after her husband died, and now he died as well. The whole town of Nain was filled with sorrow and tears. However, the Lord commanded her, “do not cry.” Here, this command of “do not cry” contains the comforting word that he will be responsible for her. Furthermore, he said “young man, get up!” and as a result, she was able to experience the miracle that her son who was already in the coffin was revived, so she received the true consolation of God (Lk 7:11-17).

2. Job: When Job was under the affliction, neither his friends nor his wife were able to provide comfort. That is why he asked back,”So how can you console me with your nonsense?” (Job 21:34). What this Scripture means is that Job trusted only the consolation of God and endured and passed through these afflictions. It is said in Gen 37 that all of Jacob’s children tried to comfort Jacob who was saddened by Joseph, but he did not accept their consolation (Gen 37:35). Prophet Jeremiah too waited for the Comforter for Zion, but he was saddened and lamented due to the fact that the Comforter has left and went very far (Lam 1:2, 16-17). When we look at such contents, the true Comforter is only God.

3. Simeon and Anna: They were old and weak but were waiting for the consolation of Israel (Lk 2:25). Even though they were in the twilight years of their lives, they became the great people of faith by meeting the baby Jesus and received the consolation.


The comfort of men is temporary and finite. However, our problems will be resolved and we will be successful when we receive the Comfort of God. He will never abandon those who wait and long for the consolation of God in the extreme circumstances where there is no hope to live. By comforting His children, God is trying to give “eternal life” (1Jn 2:25). I sincerely hope that all of you will receive and enjoy eternal life as the inheritance by receiving the consolation of God.


Original Text (Korean):

Translation by Kim Yeon Hee (Orlando Green Hill Church, USA

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