

Noah, the 10th descendant of Adam, was alive during an age when sin prevailed (Genesis 6: 5). It was an era where no place was out of reach for sin in the world. It was an era of stubborn, wicked, evil, sexually disordered and earthly abundance in a world that lost the holiness of faith. But Noah was a righteous man who found the grace of God in his day. Noah walked with God and did not forget the grace of God for one moment. So much that Noah was saved from the flood judgment. This is a type of Saint who will be saved from the judgment of sin.

Genesis 6: 8 says, "Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." The original Hebrew text more accurately translates to "Noah found grace in the eyes of God." Noah actively sought God's grace. The highest level of faith is to live according to the purpose and direction that God desires in one’s life. It is only God who we should believe, trust, and obey.

Living such a faithful life is not easy at all. The Bible says that those who believe in God must be prepared for the path of thorns. Noah was living a life for 70-80 years, patiently holding onto the word of God, building an ark, and preparing food. In chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians, love is paradoxically defined with “patience.”

Works that God has planned Himself and blessed, however, are accomplished with the His grace, which is able to swallow up human failure and rebellion. We hope that you will be saints who seek grace in the time of grace (2 Corinthians 6: 2), believing in the amazing news that grace covers our sin before God.

Excerpt from the sermon of Rev. Abraham Park

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