

The word of the Lord continued to grow
and to be multiplied 
(Acts 12:24)

In the early church era, wherever the apostles spread the word of God, the word of God grew (Acts 6: 7, 12:24, 19:20). When people heard the word of God, they were excited and could not remain still. The words trembled inside them. Whenever this happened, they would be filled with hope and spread the word of God. They were moved to do good work and build up a church. The spiritually dead are unable to contribute to God’s work, but in a church that is alive is busy, the word of God is multiplied.

In Acts 12, Herod killed James, making him the first martyred apostle, and imprisoned Peter. But when the believers prayed earnestly in the church, God opened the gate and brought Peter out. Herod, who was persecuting the apostles, interfered with the glory of God and was eaten by worms and died miserably (Acts 12: 20-23). The confrontation between Peter and Herod in Acts 12 was finished in Peter's dramatic comeback.

The Bible does not say "Peter was prospering," but "God's Word was perspiring." On the surface, it was a battle between Peter and Herod, but spiritually it was a battle between God and Satan. The Word is able to overcome any persecutor, even against Satan.

Wherever the word of God went, the number of saints increased, repentance arose. Wherever the Word shines its light, it casts out sin and elicits the desire to repent. The revival of the Word of God enabled the revival of the church. God's grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit, set the Church on the righteous path.

The Word of God has the power to conquer the whole world. It is the central tenet that guides the thoughts and ideals of every individual and family. Even though there is persecution and misunderstanding in the presence of the Word, trust that God's grace takes responsibility to lead us to victory. Only the Bible and only the Word.


Excerpt from the sermon of Rev. Abraham Park

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