

In the Bible, it is often said that those who God used had found favor. What is favor? Favor is God's grace. As a result of sin, we must surely be dead, but it is God’s grace that provides us salvation, love, and understanding through the Word. Grace revives hardened hearts to be born again to the grateful heart of God. Grace is, therefore, salvation. Grace is the ark.

Therefore, the key point of Noah's flood judgment is salvation. Through Noah's flood, God did not want to wipe out the world, but to restore humanity according to the principle of creation. That is called "grace." So grace is the most important word in human history.

Grace is the beginning of salvation. The source of grace is not man, but God. In Noah's flood, the focus is on “Noah in grace” and ultimately “Grace of God,” not “flood.” God is gracious, and Noah was finally “surrendering” to the grace of God.

We, too, must surrender to God. God gives grace to such a man, and that grace takes responsibility for our life. The grace of God guarantees the end outcome. God is the one who completes what He has planned. The Word of God is His will, zeal, plan, purpose, beginning, and completion. God's Word is always fulfilled. The covenant of grace is the covenant of salvation and the covenant of life.

Excerpt from the sermon of Rev. Abraham Park

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