

The mission of the Church Mission means life; therefore we have to put our life on the line to accomplish the mission of evangelism. Evangelism is not about a choice but it involves our life. The Church is the body of Jesus Christ and it is established on earth to deliver the souls of unbelievers through evangelism. Before Jesus resurrected and ascended He gave the command to us saying; Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations and teach them all that I have shown you (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15). Evangelism is what our God has entrusted us to do according to His commandment (Titus 1:3). Thus, evangelism is something that we must obey and carry out for it is the commandment of God.

Evangelism is predestined before the foundation of the world

Evangelism is calling in the people that have been chosen before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4). God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world and predestined us to adoption according to the kind intention of His will (Eph 1:5). This teaches us that God already knew us from the foundation of the world and predestined us that we would all come to believe in Jesus Christ (Rom 8:29). Yet, there are many souls to be called for the purpose of salvation (Eph 1:11). These whom were called, God will surely gather back to Him through evangelism and this is through the preaching of the Gospel where unbelievers will come back to His presence (Acts 13:46-48). Therefore, evangelism is finding those who have been appointed to receive eternal life for they have been predestined and chosen. And by sharing the Gospel with them, they will come back to God. This is evangelism!

Evangelism is finding the lost

Evangelism is the Father’s will to find those who are lost (Luke 15). Jesus Christ Himself came for this very purpose to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus said; I am the living bread from heaven (John 6:51). Thus Jesus came down out of heaven not to do His will but His Father’s will which is not to lose a single person that was entrusted to Him and bring them back to life (John 6:40). Therefore the will of the Father is to behold the Son and believe in Jesus Christ. Thus, we must do the will of the Father (Matt 7:21). And what is our Father’s will; to find those who are lost through evangelism.Much labor is required to find those who are lost. The shepherd must travel all over the field and mountains to find that one which is lost (Luke 15:4).The shepherd does not ask anyone else to do the labor; he himself searches fervently until he finds that lost sheep. (Luke 15:8). When we are fervent in our evangelism, God will not just sit back and watch but will take care of all of our families and children and our lives will shine when we lead the many to righteousness (Dan 12:3).

Evangelism is preaching the Gospel which is the power of God

The Gospel is God’s power, the Gospel is Jesus Christ and thus the Gospel is the power of God (Rom1:16). This power is like dynamite or explosives and is how the power of God will be unleashed. Therefore, when evangelizing someone we should not think how we should speak or what to say for God’s power will be in us and His Word will explode and destroy all the unbelief and darkness in the unbeliever. Therefore no matter how sinful one person might be, God’s power is able to save that person instantly and transform the sinner into righteousness (Rom 1:17). That is why the Gospel reveals God’s righteousness. No matter how unbelieving a person may be, if they listen to the Word of Jesus Christ that person will began to have faith (Rom 10:17). This is why we must bring people to church so that they can listen to the Word of God, to redemptive history and listen to the voice of Jesus Christ. Secondly, the Gospel is not to be ashamed of (Rom 1:16). We must not be ashamed of evangelizing and sharing the Gospel with others for it is saving those souls who are destined for eternal death to eternal life; thus, transforming the children of the devil to the Children of God. God chose the seemingly foolishness of preaching or evangelism to save those who believe (1 Cor 1:21). If we are ashamed of preaching the Gospel, then Jesus will also be ashamed of us (Mark 8:38).

Conclusion: Evangelism is compelling people (Luke 14:21-23). Thus, we must compel people to come so that God’s house may be filled. Evangelism is not begging but a truly heroic act of saving a person who is doomed to the eternal burning fires of hell and bringing them out to the eternal kingdom of God. This takes boldness and confidence on our part to compel people to come to church and hear the Words of Christ. Therefore, we must proclaim our Father’s message very boldly (Acts 28:31). May we preach redemptive history with all the boldness so that our Father’s house may be filled in fulfilling God’s command of compelling people to come.


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