

Seven Horns and Seven Eyes (Rev 5:1-6)

In verse 6 of the scripture reading, it tells us that Jesus the Lamb had “seven horns and seven eyes.” What does the seven horns and seven eyes mean? Today, we will focus on the meaning of “seven eyes.

I. The work that begins with the eyes and ends with the eyes.
The bible tells us that the history of mankind begins with the eyes and ends with the eyes.

1) Judgement during the time of Noah came because of the eyes.
Gen 6:1-2 says that during the time of Noah, “the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful.” This shows us that during the time of Noah, the sons of faith did not see what they were supposed to see, but instead saw the beauty of this world with their corrupt eyes, which led to their destruction by judgement of flood.
Likewise, Zech 14:12 says “their eyes will rot in their sockets,” indicating that in the end time, destruction will come because of the eyes.

2) Adam and Eve’s fall was because of the eyes.
God created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden, ordering them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, Adam and Eve saw this tree and their desire for it grew in their hearts, which caused them to eventually be consumed by temptation. In Gen 3:6, Eve “saw” the forbidden fruit and it looked good for food, was pleasing to the eye, and was also desirable for gaining wisdom. Likewise, her eyes were wrong and they were on their way to the fall.

3) The Israelites during the time of Jesus had wrong eyes.
John 6 tells us that Jesus healed those who were born blind, but the Israelites could not see this as Jesus’ act of opening their spiritual eyes. The coming of Jesus was anticipated by many prophets and righteous men, but the Israelites and even the disciples were blind to see who Jesus really was. Thus, Jesus said “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear” (Mt 13:16). To the religious leaders at the time who were pretending to believe, Jesus said “the blind will see and those who see will become blind” (Jn 9:39-41). Jesus declared that Zacchaeus is a “son of Abraham” before the Israelites who prided themselves of being descendants of Abraham. By doing this, Jesus made the Israelites gentiles and Zacchaeus who climbed the sycamore-fig tree, a descendant of Abraham (Lk 19:9).

II. The work of the seven eyes.
Once again, verse 6 in the main scripture tells us that Jesus the Lamb had “seven eyes.” These “seven eyes” are the eyes of the Lord which range throughout the earth (Zech 4:10), which are also mentioned as the “seven eyes on that one stone” (Zech 3:9), “seven lamps”, “seven spirits of God” (Rev 4:5). Also, according to 2 Chr 16:9, seven eyes are the eyes of the Lord which range throughout the earth. Then, what do these seven eyes see?

1) They see the most secret places.
Jn 1:45-48 tells us that Jesus said to Nathanael, who was evangelized by Philip, that he was a “true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” He has never met him, but Jesus had the eyes to pierce through the heart of Nathanael. As a result, Nathanael became the first person to fulfill the victorious name “Israel” that was given to Jacob as a new name in Genesis 32, and was blessed with passing through the last judgement. He was approved by Jesus and by receiving a new name, he became the true victor that went through the judgement. Likewise, the eyes of the Lord can pierce through man’s heart and lungs, and can even see the most secret places (Prov 15:3, Jer 23:24).

2) They see righteousness.
1 Pet 3:12 says “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous.” Thus, last judgement is about “separating the wicked from the righteous” (Mt13:49). Sinners cannot enter into the assembly of the righteous (Ps 1:5). In Mt 13:49-50, the angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. Therefore, righteous men in whom God’s eyes dwell in do not scorn his Word (Prov 13:13), but instead make it their bread of life.

Scriptures tells us that the eyes of Jesus, the seven eyes, are like flaming torches (Dan 10:6) and like blazing fire (Rev 1:14, 19:12). We, the saints, must receive the power of the seven eyes, seven horns, seven spirits. The secret to this is prayer. We must put on the spiritual eye salve that Jesus gives us (Rev 3:17-18). We must put off our old selves and put on our new selves by healing our eyes, and only use our eyes for the will of God.


Original Text (Korean):
Translation by Kim Yeon Hee (Orlando Green Hill Church, USA)

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