

If They Heard the Word of True Peace (Luke 19:41-44)

When we look at history, there is no instance where an individual, family, or nation collapsed without sin. It is stated in Job 4:7, “Consider now: Who, being upright ever destroyed?” Since the beginning of history, the sin surely existed behind the historical tragedy and horrific scenes. The Bible tells us that the tragedy of fratricidal war in our nation, the great flood during the time of Noah, and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. all occurred because wickedness completely filled us and violence overflowed.

I. Jesus wept as he saw the City of Jerusalem.
Our Savior and the Creator Jesus wept as he saw the city (Lk 19:41). Why did our Lord Jesus have to shed his tears? It is because the Israelites did not listen to the Word of God until the end, nor they did accept the Word of encouragement because they were filled with jealousy, envy and disbelief. When we look at Jn 1:12, the Israelites treated the Messiah who came to his own land as heresy and went to Pilate to demand him to sentence Jesus to death. As a result, Jesus became an object of disbelief not only to the people of Israel but to his relatives and siblings as well (Jn 7:5). One day, Jesus went up to Mount of Olives and saw the City of Jerusalem. At that moment, the collapse of Jerusalem by General Titus of Rome has passed in Jesus’ eyes like a flash. Jesus had no choice but to wail when he saw the image of tragic destruction of the enemies building an embankment against them and encircling them, where not one stone will be left on another and one will eat his own children. Truly, Jesus has seen the tragic end of the people who did not listen to the Word of encouragement. Hence, when God encourages and we do not accept it as the mercy, love, and compassion of God, no one will be exempt from the judgment.

II. We must never forget the horrific scene of 6.25.
The people of Israel are notorious for educating their descendants of their tragic past under the slogan, “The oblivion will repeat the tragedy and the remembrance promises the victory.” They taught their descendants about the pain they had suffered during 430 years of slavery in Egypt. If so, while we remember the unforgettable tragedy of 6.25 in Korea, we must accurately educate and explain to our descendants so that this historical tragedy will not be repeated. On June 25, 1950 at 4 A.M., before we heard the sound of gunfire on 38th Parallel, the high ranking military officers were heavily under the influence of alcohol to a point that they needed the assistance of their aides de-camp. They used small guns to fire at the enemy’s tanks because there were not any suitable armored tanks or warplanes so the outcome was very obvious. The politicians and the government officials who were responsible for the safety and the lives of the people tried to ease the hearts of the people by making false broadcasts. Even before this fratricidal tragedy had occurred, there was so much espionage while the country was ideologically divided during the midst of frequent conflicts between the left and right wing. Not only that, but the intelligence agents were already bribed by the hands of the North so that all highly classified information was briefed to Kim, Il-Sung. The students who were studying in peace fell as their bodies were covered with bomb shells and bullets. The soldiers and the politicians sold military goods that were supplied to the military forces and were busy clinging to the U.S. soldiers to pocket the relief goods. This was such a wicked situation where everyone used their ranks and positions to oppress the people and filled their own stomachs.

III. Only nation-wide repentance will bring peace.
The Bible testifies that the world was filled with wickedness during the first wrath that the humans encountered, the great flood during the time of Noah (Gen 6:5). “Completely filled” denotes that there is not a single place where it was not spread. Because the hearts, thoughts, and plans of the people during the time of Noah were always wicked, God regretted creating mankind on this earth. So isn’t it a inevitable that the judgement of flood came during that time? When there is corruption within individuals, families, businesses and the nations, judgment will surely come. This is the testimony of history as well as the coherent Word of God. However, there is hope that no matter what type of sin we have committed, if we come before God and repent, the curse and wrath will be changed to a blessing. If Jesus who wept toward the City of Jerusalem, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem!” urged the Israelites to repent, then he will weep for us saying “Nam San, Nam San!” as he urges us to repent. As a result of ignoring the advice of the Lord, the Israelites encountered not only the collapse of the City of Jerusalem, but the tragic massacre of more than 6 million people who were slaughtered by Hitler. Likewise, such sin will bring death and devastation and will cause us to fail in everything we do. However, if we bear the fruits of repentance like Zacchaeus, who met with the Lord and repented to become a son of Abraham (Lk 19:1-10), then our path will only be filled with the blessing of true peace.

As we commemorate 68th anniversary of Korean War of 6.25, we must not pass down such tragedy to our descendants. In order for us to do that, I sincerely hope that we hear the voice of Jesus and John the Baptist who shouted “Repent, the kingdom of God is near!” and repent first so that the individuals, families, societies, nations and the people will be brightened.


Original Text (Korean):

Translation by Kim Yeon Hee (Orlando Green Hill Church, USA)

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