


“To entrust” is impossible without infinite trust and self-emptiness.

We desire "a life that is entrusted to God," but when there is a lack of trust in God and we are consumed by worldly matters that take away our spiritual focus, we can never put it into practice. However, our Lord showed us an exemplary life of true faith that entrusted everything to God at the moment of his crucifixion. We must live a life truly following in the Lord.

Jesus first entrusted His “soul” to the Father. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit (Luke 23:46)” was a prayer of the Lord, a prayer of earnest request that completely entrusted His soul to God the Father. Jesus also entrusted all of His flesh. He gave Joseph of Arimathea His body to be buried. He also gave Roman soldiers all the clothes He wore on the cross. He entrusted Mary, the mother of His flesh, to the beloved disciple John. Thus, the Lord put faith in the practice of "the Lord is my shepherd, and I lack nothing.” By entrusting His soul, body, and clothes to others, He carried the cross in peace.

What did the risen Lord leave to His beloved disciples before He ascended into heaven from this world? He said, "I give you peace" (John 20: 19, 21, 26), leaving His "peace" to His disciples. He also gave peace to Thomas, who was unbelieving and suspicious. This is because Jesus wanted the peace of the Lord to be enjoyed by His disciples and to be shared by preaching it to all mankind. Only those who empty and entrust everything to God, like Jesus, will be protected with God's goodness and mercy for the rest of their life.


Excerpt from the sermon of Rev. Abraham Park

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